
01 September 2021, StarCode New Release 18.0.0

Today we have released new version 18.0.0 of StarCode. Users currently with old licenses (less than 14.0.0) will require a new license, and your previous license will not be valid for this version. If you already have a license for version 14.0 or 15.0, then this is a free upgrade.

Below are the highlights of new release 18.0.0

  • Serial or IMEI Numbers Support Now it is possible to add serial or IMEI numbers of individual stock items against one stock. This feature is very useful for electronics or mobile phones business. IMEI or serial number will be printed on receipt as well.
  • Stock History for Audit This feature is available in PRO edition. System will log all the changes made in stock quantity with reference. Whether quantity changed via POS, manual change, or via purchase order module - all changes will be logged. Furthermore, you can generate a report to know change in stock quantity in a given time period.
  • Improved Stock Edit Screen We have changed the layout of Stock Edit screen, and have made it more user friendly. Now total quantity of the item will be shown along with quantity and sub quantity.

  • There are other application level tweaks. In order to have improved user experience and make use of latest features, it is highly recommended to upgrade to latest version.

27 June 2021, StarCode New Release 16.0.0

Today we have released new version 16.0.0 of StarCode. Users currently with old licenses (less than 14.0.0) will require a new license, and your previous license will not be valid for this version. If you already have a license for version 14.0 or 15.0, then this is a free upgrade.

Below are the highlights of new release 16.0.0

  • New POS Screen We have revamped the POS screen. Now more space is available for the sales table. You can hide or show columns in the sales table, and change font as well with the help of context menu. You can display the context menu by right click. Now you can change both width and height of product buttons. We have provided one additional button box on POS
  • Cloud Drive Integration Now we have integrated cloud drives for automatic updates. You can set the path where you want to save the automatic daily updates on cloud drives such as (DropBox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. You can also schedule the timing of updates. System will automatically upload the updates (financial, inventory, and shift overview) to the specified location. You can view these reports on other mobile devices using DropBox or Google Apps.

  • There are other application level tweaks. In order to have improved user experience and make use of latest features, it is highly recommended to upgrade to latest version.

18 April 2021, StarCode New Release 15.0.0

Today we have released new version 15.0.0 of StarCode. Users currently with old licenses (less than 14.0.0) will require a new license, and your previous license will not be valid for this version.

Below are the highlights of new release 15.0.0

  • New Home Screen We have revamped the home screen with new dashboard widgets. This greatly improves the user experience and more reports available at the click of a mouse.
  • New Barcode Designer We have revamped the barocode label designer. Now you can design and directly print on label printer. We have introduced zooming function on barcode designer screen as well.
  • Improved Report Generation Now the system will print to landscape or portrait mode depending upon the size of print. There are also other improvements related to printing of reports.
  • Ledger Balance on POS On selection of customer, now the ledger balance is shown along with customer details.
  • There are other application level tweaks. In order to have improved user experience and make use of latest features, it is highly recommended to upgrade to latest version.

09 March 2021, StarCode New Release 14.0.0

Today we have released new version 14.0.0 of StarCode. Users currently with old licenses will require a new license, and your previous license will not be valid for this version.

Below are the highlights of new release 14.0.0

  • New Format of Small Receipt We have changed the format of small receipt, and now introduced Disc (discount) column. There are now additional setting available to better control the columns position of small receipt.
  • Barcode Visibility During Sale While creating a sales invoice, on scanning items barcode of the item will be shown in the invoice area. You can choose to print barcode or batch number on large size receipt.
  • GUI Level Improvements We have introduced many GUI level tweaks. Now you can choose to hide or show the navigator bar on the left and software will remember this setting. You can also choose to launch the POS with Windows task bar. Earlier it was possible to launch only in full screen mode.
  • Tax Exempt Sale Now it is possible to set any sale to tax Exempt by pressing a quick short cut on POS screen. While this button will be in pressed state, no tax will be applied to any sale.
  • Customer Price Checker We have provided now Pricer Checker in all three variants of StarCode. You can set this up on a computer, and provide access to a customer. Where customers can scan items themselves to find out the price of an item. This is password protected module, and it means you can leave it for use to the customer without worrying about getting access to other functions of the software.

For more information and download, please visit

16 November 2020, StarCode Update 13.1.0

Today we have released new update 13.1.0 of StarCode. Users currently on version 12.0.0 or above can upgrade to this free of cost. Your previous license will still be valid.

Below are the highlights of new features

  • Small Receipt Settings It was reported by some users that on some computers the footer margin is very small in case the number of items in receipt go above twenty. In this update we have build a logic to identify this automatically, and adjust the footer margin. You might have to readjust the receipt margins after installing this update.

15 September 2020, StarCode New Release 13.0.0

Today we have released new version 13.0.0 of StarCode editions. Users currently on version 12.0.0 or above can upgrade to this free of cost. Your previous license will still be valid, but you will need to re-validate your license again.

Below are the highlights of new features

  • New Receipt and Invoice Formats We have updated the style and format for large size (A4 size) sales invoice, receipt and purchase order.
  • New Dark ThemeWe have added a new dark theme, which replaces the old dark theme. However, old dark theme can still be selected by clicking on Classic Dark Theme.
  • Improved Activation Experience We have made some important changes related to activation. This will improve the user experience related to software activation and reactivation.
  • Tweaks and FixesThere are some important tweaks and fixes in the application. So it is highly recommended to upgrade to latest version.

27 July 2020, StarCode Version Update 12.2.0

Today we have released new version update 12.2.0 of StarCode editions. This is a free update for users who have purchased license for version 12.0.0 or above.

Below are the highlights of new features

  • Small receipt and dual Printing We have revamped the design of small receipt printing. Now small receipt can print the name of product on two lines intelligently. Furthermore, you can also choose whether to print in compact form on secondary printer or full form receipt.
  • Stock level absolute discount Earlier it was possible to set the discount at stock level only in percentage. Now you can set absolute discount at stock level as well.
  • Product lookup feature We have added a new module for importing products into main inventory database. Now from a master products database , which will be sold as an add-on for different retail businesses, you can easily search and import products without manually typing the names of products.
  • Tweaks and FixesThere are some important tweaks and fixes in the application. So it is highly recommended to upgrade to latest version.

01 July 2020, StarCode Version 12.0.0 available in Lite, Plus and Pro editions

Today we have released new version 12.0.0 of StarCode editions. This version contains all the updates which we released during previous year, and many new improvements. As this is a new release, it means all licenses issued for version less than 12.0.0 will be invalid for this new release. Please contact our support to learn whether you are eligible for an upgrade from previous version or not.

Below are the highlights of new features

  • Shift Management Shift management feature has been extended. Now you can track cash and non cash transactions conducted on each terminal. Furthermore only authorized person will be able to close the shift. Shift reports will be available as well
  • POS Interface We have provided an additional button on POS user interface. With the help of this button you can hide or show the right area including the product buttons.
  • Sales Items Merge Mode We have provided another POS button for merging or un-merging sales items in an invoice.
  • POS Quantity Field Now you can enter quantity in decimal as well. Earlier it was possible only to enter whole value.
  • Tweaks and FixesThere are some important tweaks and fixes in the application. So it is highly recommended to upgrade to latest version.
For more information and download, please visit

01 January 2019, StarCode Lite, Plus, and Pro editions released

On the eve of new year, we are happy to announce the version 1.0.0 of new StarCode editions. Previous editions of StarCode (Express, Express Plus, Network and Network Plus) have been replaced by StarCode Lite, StarCode Plus, and StarCode Pro. We have merged the Express and Network modes of operation in one product. Some of the highlights of these new releases are following

  • Express and Network Modes of Operation Each variant of StarCode (Lite, Plus, Pro) can be configured to run in Express (standalone) or Network (database server) mode. You can easily switch between two modes of operation from User menu.
  • Lite, Plus, and Pro Editions Keeping in view the needs of different customers, we have packaged feature sets in three different editions. For detailed features comparison, please visit the product page, or download the brochure.
  • For more information, please visit

Archived Release Notes

10 November 2018, StarCode Major Update 29.26.0 Available

Today we have released update 29.26.0. Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.26.0

  • Time Login Feature Now the StarCode application will log the login and logout times of the users.
  • Time Log Report We have added a new Time Log report under reports section. This report will show the complete details of login and logout of the users for the specific time and date period.
  • Work Hours Report We have added a new Work Hours report under reports section. This report will calculate the work hours of each user of the system based on the login and logout time stamps.
  • GUI Some minor GUI (Graphical User Interface) level fixes.
  • Tweaks and FixesThere are some important tweaks and fixes in the application, including restricted discount in customer's management module.

06 August 2018, StarCode Major Update 29.24.0 Available

Today we have released update 29.24.0. Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.24.0

  • Restricted Discount Now it is possible to set an upper limit for a discount that a sales person can provide. It is linked to a newly defined permission in roles and permissions module.
  • Screen Lock Function It is now possible to lock the POS screen by pressing on screen Lock button.
  • Customer Balance On selecting a customer under customers management module, the total amount due for that particular customer will be shown. It will show how much amount still needs to be recovered from a customer.
  • Improved Financial Reporting We have added start time and end time options in addition to start and end dates for generating custom range financial reports. It provides fine control over the sales report generation.
  • Tweaks and FixesThere are some important tweaks and fixes in the application, includinng purchase order management.

30 July 2018, StarCode Major Update 29.23.0 Available

Today we have released update 29.23.0. Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.23.0

  • Remove Image Function Now it is possible to remove the product image already selected.
  • Multiple Windows of StarCode For the Network and Network Plus variants, now it is possible to launch multiple instances of StarCode. This feature is useful if you want to allow multiple users to be logged in at the same time on one computer.
  • Customer Discount Now under customer management screen, we have provided an option to set the discount rate for a customer. On selecting this customer in POS, this discount rate will applied. Furthermore, in Plus editions it is now possible to generate a customer specific barcode. You can print this barcode on a card and give it to a customer. On scanning this card at POS, customer will be selected automatically without any manual search.
  • Login/Employee Card Now under customer management screen, we have provided an option to generate a bardcode for employee card or login. On scanning this barcode on login screen, user will be automatically logged into the system without entering any username or password. This provides an option for quick login and solves the issue of forgotten password.
  • Tweaks and Fixes in Purchase Order This only affects the plus editions of StarCode (Express Plus and Network Plus)

23 March 2018, StarCode Major Update 29.20.0 Available

Today we have released update 29.20.0. Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.20.0

  • Customer Display Now it is possible to choose a conventional pole display or a computer screen (in dual monitor configuration) as a customer display. You can attach two screens with one computer, and configure the display settings to extend the display from main screen to second screen. On launching POS, a customer screen will be shown, which you can drag to second screen. This screen will show information only relevant to customer, and will greatly enhance the shopping experience of your customer.

23 February 2018, StarCode Major Update 29.19.0 Available

Today we have released update 29.19.0 with some optimizations and integrated payment processing function. StarCode and ChargeItPro have joined hands and introduced an all-in-one solution for StarCode customers to seamlessly accept payments and streamline their business. For more information, please click on following link StarCode + ChargeItPro Payment Processing Solution.

Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.19.0

  • Sorting Feature Columns with numeric values will be sorted based on the numeric values. Earlier the sorting was based on the text value.
  • Display Order of Columns Now it is possible to change the order of columns in tables. You will be able to drag the column to new position and change the display order.
  • Improvement in Add/Edit Inventory Dialog We have improved the Add/Edit inventory dialog. Now it will be possible to load other stocks by entering the product code and pressing Enter key.

09 January 2018, StarCode Major Update 29.16.0 Available

Today we have released major update 29.16.0 with some new exciting features. In this release we have provided product and stock duplication function. We recommend that you install this new release. You can run the installer on existing installation, and all of your existing settings will remain unchanged.

Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.16.0

  • Stock Received Date We have added stock received and last modified dates fields in a stock. This way now you will be able to track stock based on received dates.
  • Product and Stock Barcodes Now you can scan barcodes based on product or stock codes, and the system will intelligently identify the type of barcode.
  • Payment Screen We have added new payment screen in POS. On pressing F5 or Pay button, a new screen will be opened where the user can quickly process the payment and return to POS again.
  • POS Launch Mode Now it is possible to configure POS launch mode. You can configure to launch it in a separate full screen mode, or in the same main window with menus and navigator.
  • Product and Stock Duplication Now it is possible to create a new product or stock from existing product data. It can save significant amount of time if you are adding slight variants of a product.
  • Additional Lines for Business Address We have provided two additional lines as a part of company or business information. You can use these two lines for adding VAT or license information. These will be printed along with business address on receipts and invoices.
  • Improved Small Receipt Now it is possible to change the text size of small receipt and the position of logo. Logo can now be printed at top middle or right side of the receipt.
  • Out of Stock Items in POS It is now possible to show or hide out of stock items in POS. Stocks with zero quantity can be shown or hidden with this new setting. This can be configured via a flag under POS settings.
  • Total Adjustment Feature In POS the total amount can be adjusted and this will be shown as discounted total on receipt. This feature is useful when you want to apply special discount at the end or simply want to round off the payable amount. This feature can be enabled or disabled via setting flag under POS settings.
  • Improved Financial Reports Now it is possible to change the text size of small receipt and the position of logo. Logo can now be printed at top middle or right side of the receipt.
  • POS Product Button Labels It is now possible to show or hide the name labels under POS product buttons.
  • Important Tweaks and Fixes There are also some other important tweaks in POS related to price or stock checking function and minor fixes.

You can download the latest release from

29 November 2017, StarCode Major Update 29.12.0 Available

Today we have released 29.12.0. In this release we have provided many new useful features including support for embedded barcodes and improved format for small and large size receipts. We recommend that you install this new release. You can run the installer on existing installation, and all of your existing settings will remain unchanged.

Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.12.0

  • Price and Weight Embedded Barcodes We have provided this new feature in POS, and you can enable it from settings dialog under barcode settings. This is useful if you are scanning barcodes generated by digital scales or you have connected digital scale with the POS. This feature is also useful for price embedded codes.
  • Improved Small Receipt Layout In this release we have provided a function in order to adjust the layout of quantity and product name columns on small receipt. Additionally you can also print a test page from settings dialog as well (both for primary and secondary POS printers). Moreover, the system will intelligently decide to print sub quantity or quantity based on the total item quantity. In case if only sub quantity is printed, an additional note will be printed as well.
  • Improved Sales Reporting We have improved the format of sales report. Now it will be possible to view sales and returns summary separately. In addition to that gross profit and net sales will be shown in the summary section of the report.
  • Changes in POS Screen POS module has been improved, and now you can turn on and off different POS buttons on the screen via settings dialog.
  • Electronic Scale Integration In this release we have provided electronic scale integration. You can attach a digital scale with the POS and reading sent by electronic scale will be captured by POS automatically.
  • Improved Add/Edit Inventory Dialog In this release we have improved the look of Add/Edit inventory dialog and overall user experience of adding and editing stocks.
  • Cash Drawer Integration Earlier it was possible to connect cash drawer only via receipt printer. In this release we have provided function for connecting cash drawer directly with the computer.
  • Pay Later Feature on Network Any payment added to pending payments will now be visible on other terminals or stations. This feature is available in StarCode Network Plus only.
  • There are some minor fixes and overall tweaks in this update as well.

You can download the latest release from

05 November 2017, StarCode Major Update 29.10.0 Available

Today we have released major update 29.10.0 with some new exciting features. In this release we have provided price and stock checking feature in POS, and important tweaks. We recommend that you install this new release. You can run the installer on existing installation, and all of your existing settings will remain unchanged.

Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.10.0

  • Price and Stock Checker We have provided new button in POS for stock and price checking. On pressing this button, system will enter price and stock checking mode. On scanning any barcode, pressing any product button, or selecting any stock item manually, system will show its price and other stock information.
  • Improved Purchase Management In some recent versions, we noticed crash while opening purchase order from purchase management on some computers (not all reported this issue) In this release we have fixed that issue.
  • Changes in Receipt Format There are slight changes in the small receipt format. Company name will be printed in bold text. Layout of items on receipt has been changed as well.
  • Improved Sales Management We have improved sales management module and fixed any issues related to specifying search criteria.
  • Important Tweaks There are also some other important tweaks in POS. For example, after installing this update minus sign with zero will not appear. We noticed this in some cases in previous releases.

You can download the latest release from

29 October 2017, StarCode Major Update 29.9.0 Available

Today we are happy to announce major update 29.9.0 with some new exciting features. In this release we have provided user interface scaling feature, and new improvements and tweaks. We recommend that you install this new release. You can run the installer on existing installation, and all of your existing settings will remain unchanged.

Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.9.0

  • Improved Purchase Order Auto Generation We have improved the process of generating auto purchase orders from POS. In earlier version when PO was auto generated from POS , no complete data was being populated under purchase management. We have fixed that issue in this update
  • User Interface Scaling Added user interface scaling feature. Now it is possible to set the scaling factor via Settings, and the user interface elements (text, graphics, and other on screen elements) will scale accordingly. This feature is useful for high resolution displays, and devices.
  • Space in Product & Stock Codes Now it is possible to add space character in product and stock codes
  • Secondary POS Printer Now it is possible to add a secondary POS printer. If enabled, POS will print to two printers simultaneously. This feature is very useful in restaurants and food delivery business. You can add a second printer, for example, a kitchen printer in addition to main POS printer.
  • Auto Complete Search Option We have added a new setting for auto search completion, under general settings. There you can specify whether the match starts with typed text (search term), or match contains the typed text (search term).
  • Improved Barcode Generation New barcode label generator. Fixed crash issue while generating barcodes when no product prices or names are specified.
  • New Android Editions We have released new and improved variants of Android editions of StarCode. Now Android versions contain the latest features and available on Google play with latest release as well.

You can download the latest release 29.9.0 from the product page or downloads section.

01 September 2017, StarCode New Release 29.5.0 Available

Today we are happy to announce new release of StarCode 29.5.0. In this release we have provided new pole display integration, and many new improvements and tweaks. We recommend that you install this new release. On running the program first time after installation, your main sales database will be upgraded to latest version. It is recommended to backup your database before installing the new version. You can run the installer on existing installation, and all of your existing settings will remain unchanged.

Following is the list of new features and changes that we have provided in version 29.5.0

  • Search Boxes New search boxes have been provided on different dialogs in order to quickly search an item.
  • Pole Display Integration Now it is possible to connect different types of pole displays with StarCode POS. You can easily configure pole display via Settings interface of StarCode.
  • Improved Dashboard We have provided direct links to different types of stock and financial reports from the home screen or dashboard of StarCode. You can simply click on the hyper link available on home screen or dashboard, and StarCode will generate respective report instantly.
  • Enter Key Shortcut We have added Enter key shortcut to different fields on the POS screen. For example pressing Enter key while the focus is on Paid box, system will save current sale and pressing on the second time it will print to selected printer.
  • Sales and Returns Report In this release we have provided a new feature in sales reporting. Now the financial report will show returned items separately from sold items. Total sales will represent only the sold items and it will not include any returned items. In previous version total sales were net sales (sales - returns). In this latest release sold and returned items sums are shown separately. By click on a check box available on report viewer, all the returned items will be shown.
  • On-Screen Number Pad For touch screen Windows devices we have provided on-screen number pad. You can launch this number pad by clicking on More button on POS screen. This number pad eliminates the need for physical keyboard in certain environments.
  • POS More Button POS Help button has been replaced by More button. On pressing More button a new dialog will be shown with further options. There you will have an option to open POS settings, shortcut keys help, calculator or number pad.
  • Important Tweaks There are many different application level small changes and enhancements in order to improve user experience.

You can download the latest release 29.5.0 from the product page or downloads section.

01 July 2017, StarCode New Release 28.0.2 Available

In this release there are significant improvements for plus editions and we have tweaked the software in order to improve the user experience. It is highly recommended for the users of StarCode to install this new release. On installing this version, your main inventory database will be upgraded to latest version. Please make sure to backup your database before installing this new release.

Additional new features and changes are following

  • Visual Markers In this release we have provided visual markers of different colors in sales management, purchase management, and point of sale screens. These graphic symbols in different colors help to identify payment status, sent status and over due dates quickly.
  • Send Invoice via Email Now it is possible to send the invoices directly from POS with one click. This feature works with Microsoft Outlook and many other email clients.
  • Hide and Show Search Parameters We have added check boxes on different screens in order to hide or show the search parameters. Under product and inventory management you can hide or show the picture as well.
  • Purchase Order Payment Status We have added payment status field in purchase orders. This way now you can track paid, partially paid and unpaid purchase orders.
  • Customer Selection Experience Now it is simple and intuitive to select a customer from POS screen - a better user experience.
  • Promotional Message Now there is an extra setting under POS settings for promotional message. Any text entered in this field will appear at the end of receipt.
  • Small Receipt Format The default size and formatting of the small receipt has been improved.
  • Improved User Experience There are also many application level tweaks in order to improve the user experience.

You would love the new features and fine adjustments in the software. You can download the latest release from the product page or downloads section.

01 March 2017, StarCode Major Update 27.0.0 Available

In this release there are significant improvements for the Network edition. It is highly recommended for the users of StarCode Network & Network Plus to install this update. On installing this version, your databases will be upgraded to latest version.

Additional new features and changes are following

  • Password Recovery In this release we have provided a new password recovery feature. From the User dialog, you can set the security questions for the ADMINISTRATOR user. In the case of forgotten password, by answering these security questions you will be logged in to the system. Once you are logged in, then you can reset or change your password. ADMINISTRATOR user can also set password for other users of the system.
  • Pay Later Feature This is new feature available in PLUS editions of StarCode. Now you can add any existing sale to pending state in POS module. This feature is useful in restaurants, cafes, and supermarkets. You can hold the payment for any customer, and serve the next customer. The pending payment appears as button on the pending payments tab, which you can load again by pressing this button.
  • Small Receipt Changes Small receipt format has been changed. Now it will also display the unit price (including tax) for each item. Additionally customer's name and notes will be shown on the small receipt as well.
  • Improved Performance There are many application level performance tweaks, especially for the Network and Network Plus edition.

21 January 2017, StarCode Major Update 26.0.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • This is a major release where we have provided Deactivation and Reactivation features in the software. Now the StarCode users will be able to transfer the license to another computer or device. This will also handle the cases of hardware or software upgrade. Complete Activation and Deactivation guide is available online at
  • This release also contains some improvements and fixes for version 25.14.0 users.

10 December 2016, StarCode Major Update 25.14.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Now it is possible to sell out of stock items. This setting can be configured from POS settings on Settings Dialog. Selling out of stock items will result in negative stock that can be reconciled afterwards.
  • Large size sales receipt format has been modified. Line tax column has been added, that will show the amount of tax deducted for each line. This feature was already available in Sales Invoice mode. It has been included in Sales Receipt mode as well.
  • Now it is possible to search based on category in Inventory Management module. A new column for product category has been added as well.
  • Some important user interface level tweaks.

01 October 2016, StarCode Major Update 25.13.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Now it is possible to show and hide columns in sales management, inventory management, and product management. If you right click on the table area, a context menu will be shown with Hide/Show Columns option. Clicking on this menu option will show you the dialog, where you can select or deselect desired columns.
  • Provided one fix in purchase order. This issue appeared in previous version 25.12.0, while receiving PO and exporting data to inventory, purchase price was not being written correctly. This issue has been fixed in this release. If you are using an older version of StarCode, then this issue is not relevant to you.
  • Some tweaks in Point of Sale module.

22 July 2016, StarCode Major Update 25.12.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Added option for selecting decimal mark, and thousand separator. Based on your selection under currency settings, currency amounts and quantities will be formatted accordingly.
  • Added some checks and import log file will be generated while running inventory import function.
  • Some improvements in financial reports.

11 July 2016, StarCode Major Update 25.11.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Revamped Purchase Management. Added partially received and closed status options, stock receiving function, and last modified field. Some changes in graphical user interface as well. Now it is more user friendly and efficient editing purchase orders, and receiving stocks.
  • Move Inventory function has been added in PLUS editions of StarCode Express and StarCode Network. It is now possible to move stock from one location to another location, or even between different stocks at the same location.
  • In order to improve the user experience some graphical changes has been made in product and inventory management modules.
  • Category option has been added in financial reports. Now it is possible to group sales by category.
  • This version is able to display large amounts without exponential.
  • In this version sales and purchase order timestamps will be correctly formatted according to date format selected.
  • Application wide tweaks and enhancements to improve the user experience.

16 June 2016, StarCode Major Update 25.10.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Revamped barcode image generator. Now it is possible to design barcode image, copy and paste to other documents such as MS Word, Excel, or Paint.
  • Added shipping address field for the purchase order under settings dialog. Now you can specify business and shipping addresses separately.
  • Added new report for stock count and value.
  • Improved printing. Now it is possible to print sorted results
  • Important performance tweaks for the Network edition. Application will be more responsive for large inventory and sales databases.

02 June 2016, StarCode Version Update 25.9.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Added customers and vendors import function.
  • Some application level tweaks, security features, and enhancements.
  • Improved inventory export option.
  • Now it is possible to specify offset for serial numbers while creating sales databases.

08 April 2016, StarCode Version Update 25.8.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • New security features including the password encryption both for express and network editions.
  • In case of printing small receipts on thermal or receipt printers, one page will be printed, and the page height will be adjusted automatically according to number of lines.
  • We have added the option for switching active main inventory database from the login dialog. This is useful when you want to logon to different database.
  • There is another tax setting for rounding up the tax amounts. According to this logic if the third digit after decimal is 5, then after rounding up the second digit after decimal would be incremented by one.
  • There are some important tweaks and improvements for the Android editions of StarCode.
  • POS buttons will be sorted alphabetically on the POS screen.

24 March 2016, StarCode Version Update 25.7.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Improved financial reporting, and now you can view the number of items/products sold during a specified period.
  • Added quick pay shortcuts. You can assign different amounts to these shortcuts and pay directrly at POS using these shortcut keys.
  • If you are using sub items mode, then this update also contains a fix for calculating purchase cost of sub items.
  • Added a new Pay Due button on POS screen. This button can be used to pay the due amount directly. This saves time and eliminates the need to enter paid amount manually.
  • Many new key short cuts have been added in POS module. Now you can use these short cuts to navigate around POS screen. Please see help section of POS module for detailed description.
  • Notes field has been added to receipt as well. Earlier this was available only in invoices. You can add notes to receipts and print on receipts as well.
  • Some tweaks in purchase order management.

11 March 2016, StarCode Version Update 25.6.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • Inventory tab has been added in product management module making it easy to edit stock of selected products.
  • A setting has been added under tax settings to configure the number of digits after decimal for tax rates.
  • Sorting functionality has been added in all modues and reports. It is now possible to sort the tables based on columns by clicking on the heading of column.
  • A new column has been added in import and export CSV file format for inventory.
  • Some changes in purchase order generation for the network edition
  • An important fix for tax rates (rates with fractions) in POS module
  • Some application level tweaks.

26 February 2016, StarCode Version Update 25.4.0 Available

In this release we have provided

  • New and easy to use barcode scanner interface. It is now much easier to configure and use the barcode scanner with StarCode.
  • New inventory export function. Now export and import inventory formats are same. You can import and update the inventory through CSV files with much more comfort and ease.
  • In Express edition we have added Products Images Folder. This will make it easier to port your images to other computers and devices running StarCode. Place all of your products images in one folder, and set the path in settings. Wherever you want to run StarCode , simply copy the products folder and set the path to this folder from settings dialog.
  • It is now possible to customize the appearance of POS dialog and enable different options from settings dialog. Barcode scanner can be enabled or disabled, POS buttons can be enabled or disabled, and product selection box can be enabled or disabled form settings dialog.