
MySQL Server, StarCode Installation & Configuration Guide, InveGix Technologies



This document describes how to install MySQL server (version 5.7.19) on Windows PC, and how to use StarCode in Network mode with MySQL server from other computers, or Android devices on the network. Please contact for any questions related to this guide on, or you can visit the product support page

  1. MySQL Server  Download
  2. Installation of MySQL Server Dependencies
  3. Installation of MySQL Server
  4. Enable Remote Access on MySQL Server / Enable Access from Other Computers Running StarCode
  5. Configuration of StarCode Network

1. MySQL Server Download

There are several ways to install MySQL. This article focuses on utilizing MySQL Installer for Windows to install MySQL. This guide is for version 5.7.19 of MySQL. Other versions (5.7.x) of MySQL have similar instructions. The Windows installer is 32-bit but can install both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries depending on whether your computer is x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit).

We have uploaded the MySQL Windows installer to Google drive. Please click on the following link (you can also copy and paste the following link in browser) to download the installer.  

Download MySQL Server Installer

2. Installation of MySQL Dependencies

Before installing MySQL server, it is necessary to install all the dependencies required by MySQL server installer. Otherwise the installation will fail, and it will be difficult to repair uncompleted installation.

First you need to download following two components and run these installers. It does not matter whether your PC/Windows is 32 bit or 64 bit, MySQL installer requires both of them on your PC

Download VC redistribution version 2013 from the following link, and install.

Download vcredist_13_x86

Download VC redistribution version 2015 from the following link, and install.

Download vcredist_15_x86

If your Windows is 32 bit, then you do not need to download and install following further two dependencies. If the Windows operating system on your PC is 64 bit, then you need to download and install following two dependencies as well. Otherwise, installation will fail and MySQL will not be installed and it will be difficult to repair the installation.

Download VC redistribution version 2013 from the following link, and install.

Download vcredist_13_x64

Download VC redistribution version 2015 from the following link and install.

Download vcredist_15_x64

3. Installation of MySQL Server

Now double-click on the MySQL installer which you downloaded in the previous step. It will take a few seconds for the installer to bring End User License Agreement on the screen. If installer launches successfully then ignore installation instructions for the .NET framework. If the installer fails to launch and you see a message similar to following

Image result for .net framework 4.0 required for mysql

Then it means .NET framework 4.0 required for MySQL server is not already installed on your computer. Please download the .NET framework from the following link and install the .NET framework 4.0 first.

Download .NET Framework

After installation of .NET framework launch the MySQL installer again by double clicking on the already downloaded installer.

Accept the agreement and you will be prompted with a selection of installation type. Choose Custom as shown below.


Click Next, and it will show the following features selection screen. First you need to expand the MySQL Servers tree shown on the left side, and select 64 bit or 32 bit (x86) servers based on the type of your Windows operating system. After selection, press the green arrow, and it will move the selected feature to the right pane.


The next step is to select the MySQL workbench featrue under Applications tree. Expand the Applications tree in the left pane and select MySQL workbench as shown in the following screen.


Please note that if MySQL Workbench selection is not visible on your computer during the installation, then chances are your operating system is not fully compatible with the installer. You can download the MySQL workbench separately and install from the following link. Please download and install it after completing the installation of MySQL server. Follow the other steps first, and at the end download and install workbench.

MySQL Workbench Download Link (Only if not available in installer).

After selection, press the green arrow button and it will move the MySQL Workbench feature to the right pane.

After this step (selection of MySQL Workbench), you need to select the Shell feature as well. Expand the MySQL Shell node as shown in the following screen.


Select the shell feature and press the green arrow. It will move the selected feature to the right pane. This completes the selection of MySQL features that we need to install.

Now press the Next button. Following “instllation” screen will be shown.


Click Execute to start the installation. On pressing Execute button, installer will start the installation and will show following progress screen.


Installer will update the status against each component as it installs or downloads required components.

Once finished, following screen will be shown with Next button enabled and status against each component must be Complete at this stage.


Click Next button. Installer will show the following screen product configuration screen.


Click Next to proceed with further installation.


Type and Networking screen will be shown. Please make sure you select “Standalone MySQL Server/Classic MySQL Replication” option is selected.  



Click Next to proceed to next screen. Installer will show the following screen. Please select “Server Machine” against Config Type as shown in the following screen.


No need to change anything else on this screen. Click Next to proceed to next screen.

This is Accounts and Roles screen. MySQL server has one built-in user called root. You need to set the password for root user. You will use this user to login to MySQL server from StarCode Network. Enter password as shown in the following screen.


Click Next to continue. Installer will show following Windows Service screen.


You do not need to change anything. This configuration will make sure that MySQL starts automatically on starting your computer. Click Next to continue.

Following Plugins and Extensions screen will be shown. Please do not change anything on this screen and click Next to continue.            


Following Apply Configuration screen will be shown. Click the Execute button on this screen and watch the status as installer configures different components.



After this step following product configuration screen will be shown.


Click Next button to continue, and installer will show the following “Installation Complete” screen.



Click Finish button on this screen, and this will complete the installation of MySQL server and selected features. It will also start MySQL shell and Workbench if the check boxes are checked on this screen.

At this point, MySQL Server has been installed and it is running. To access MySQL Server, we will use MySQL Workbench as a client. Launch MySQL Workbench from Windows start menu. When Workbench starts, a connection to local database would have been created by default. If not then create a new MySQL connection by clicking on + button, and you will see the following screen.

C:\Lab\mysql_installation_manual\New folder\23.png

Enter above parameters and click on Test Connection. If everything is correct, it will report success. Click OK to save this connection.

Double-click on Local instance MySQL Server 5.7 connection and enter root password to gain access to the server.

You can use MySQL workbench for various tasks such as importing and exporting data, user management, database management and many more functions available in this application.

This concludes the installation and configuration of MySQL server required for StarCode Network or StarCode Network Plus.

4. Enable Remote Access on MySQL Server / Enable Access from Other Computers Running StarCode

MySQL does not allow connections from other computers on the network by default. You will have to enable this function manually. The procedure is described below.

Step 1: Launch CMD prompt of Windows. You can start this program from Run menu of Windows Start menu by typing CMD.exe

Step 2: Go to bin folder of MySQL server installation from the command prompt where you have installed the server. Normally it would be in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin. So you would have to type following command on command prompt

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin 

Please adjust the path according to your local installation.

STEP 3: Now type the following command and press ENTER. Do not forget to replace [password] with the password of root user that you created earlier.

mysql –uroot –p[password]

For example, if you set a root user password as Mypass123, then you will type following command and press ENTER

mysql –uroot –pMypass123

STEP 4: Now you will be on mysql command prompt. In order to enable remote access, you would have to run following two commands. Please do not forget to replace [password] with the password of your root user. Replace user root with some other user name, if you want to enable remote access for some other user. Type first command then press ENTER. This command should execute successfully.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';

After it has been executed successfully, you would have to run the second command. Type following line command prompt and press ENTER.


This procedure completes enabling the remote access to MySQL server from other devices or computers on the network. Now you would be able to network different computer running StarCode Network.

Please note that you might have to repeat the above procedure after creating the inventory and sales databases if StarCode Network does not connect successfully to MySQL server.

5. Configuration of StarCode in Network Mode

After successful installation of MySQL server and configuration, the next step is to configure StarCode in Network Mode to make use of this server. Start StarCode. Make sure you are in Network mode. Current selected mode will be shown in the top right corner of the application window. If it is the first time then it would not be able to connect to the server. Now launch MySQL Server Settings dialog from Tools menu. If you are running StarCode in Network mode on the same computer where MySQL server is installed, then following configuration will be fine.


Username is “root”, which we created during configuration of MySQL server. Enter password, server address and port number. Click on Test, if the connection is successful, a success message will be dispalyed. Click Save, and your configuration will be saved.

If you are running StarCode on some other computer on your network, or even on some Android tablet and want to connect to this server via Wifi or LAN, please follow following steps.

From Windows Start menu, in the search box typ cmd.exe, and launch CMD.EXE. In this command window type ipconfig and hit ENTER. You will see something similar to following screen.

              C:\Lab\mysql_installation_manual\New folder\27.png

The purpose is to know the IP address of computer where the MySQL server is installed. As shown above ipconfig command will show the IPv4 address of this computer. In this case the IP address is and your IP would be different from this.

Now launch MySQL Server Settings dialog from StarCode Tools menu, and fill in following parameters. You will need to provide the IP address of server computer.



Test the connection parameters, if successful then click Save. Please note that if the IP address of your computer (server) where MySQL server is installed changes (because of any reason), you would need to change settings on this dialog as well.

You can also use the computer name in place of IP address. Infact, this is recommended to use computer name rather IP address of the server. IP address would normally change on rebooting the computer, but the computer or server name will not change.

Once you are able to connect to MySQL server from StarCode, the next step is to create inventory and sales databases. Click on Databases icon on the home screen. Following dialog will be displayed.

                             C:\Lab\mysql_installation_manual\New folder\29.png

Click on Create New Inventory Database. Enter some name for your inventory database and click OK. Similarly for Sales database, create new sales database. Appropriate messages will be displayed on success or any errors.

This completes the configuration of StarCode in Network mode, and now you are ready to poplulate your inventory, or import from Excel file and start selling products.

If you have any further questions, and require further support, please write to